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About us

Company LABO Metal Ltd. was founded in 2011 and specializes in machining and surface finish of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals.

The main products of our company are architectural and construction elements mainly from stainless steel. Construction parts are machined on the latest machining centres including surface according to customer requirements. We specialize in large-format engraving sheet materials up to the size of 1,5 x 3 m. Using various technologies, we are able to apply custom designs on the material surface.

For our customers, we are able to realize both individual pieces and serial products. All engagements are monitored by the quality management system in both preparation and production process.

Skill, craftsmanship and care are our the highest priorities.
Project Purchasing technology for surface treatment of metals emerging companies LABO Metal Ltd is co-financed by the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Rural Development Programme – more information Projekt je spolufinancován Evropskou unií
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LABO Metal s.r.o.
Oldřichov 200
417 24 Jeníkov
